Today is December 27th.
Christmas has come and gone.
Today is also Wynter's 14th birthday.
I can't get over that.
I remember so vividly being 14, I wonder what is going on in her head that she doesn't let me in on. Hmm... crazy.
Life is crazy that way. But beautiful. Most definitely beautiful.
Christmas was amazing.
One of the best of my life, I think.
Except that Adam was only around for a little bit.
I felt like we weren't connecting like we used to. I need to have a chat with that brother of mine...
I miss him!
Jesus has been so huge in my heart recently. I love praying. Shouldn't I always have?
But that's not always the way it works. Your heart has to be in the right place all over.
I've been busy. when I'm not doing something else, I'm with Dan.
Which is alright by me, but the twins miss me being around all of the time. Jera wouldn't let go of me when I came home tonight. I love them.
This morning I had behind the wheel, yes, I haven't finished that up yet.
Not exactly ideal road conditions, leme tell ya. I slid once.
I asked my teacher if he would teach me how to do donuts in the parking lot.
He said no.
I go again tomorrow. Huzzah.
I'm looking forward to being done and over with that.
For sure!
anyways, I better go now.
Keep on mes amis. :)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Captains Log, December 27th...
Posted by Cheyenne at 6:46 PM 1 comments
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Santa Clause is thumbing to town...
WELL... I haven't posted in quite awhile! It is, quite officially, December!
Which is exciting. I am stoked for the holidays. Just the general aura of it all is inspiring, minus the crazy shoppers and creepy santas, of course.
Life has been flying by for me. Today I went to the Red Cedar Choir concert at St. Joes. My lovely friend Rachel was in it and she sounded wonderful.
We now have much snow, which is also incredibly exciting. It has been awhile (since i moved here) that we've had this much snow in December. I can't wait to do fun snow things like sledding and skiing and all that jazz. I have told myself that I will go skiing more than once or twice this year. It's more difficult to do when no one in your family skis but you.
But that's okay, I have friends I can kidnap when I decide to go.
Youth group has been going well. My small group this year has decided on our service project. We will be making baby blankets for the PHC here. So, that should be fun.
It's nearly 2008, so it's bringing to mind that I need to figure out my life, College and all of that happiness. But God's given me a peace about that, I'm not nearly as frantic as I was last year. I think slowly God is showing me what He wants me to do for Him, and I am just taking life as it comes. Enjoying my friends and what comes my way.
I just started taking a Spanish class and am excited to be learning that. Especially since I want to go to Bolivia for a couple weeks next year. The teacher cracks me up! She is great. I think I almost learn more by trying to stay on top of what she is saying than the actual class. Not really, but you get the picture. Anyways, I will be trying to keep my life on the update more often than not. After I start typing I find I actually enjoy writing these things down, it's just the initial getting it started that blocks my mind out of the blogging loop for awhile. My apologies.
Enjoy your December, live it up for Jesus.
Keep on,
Posted by Cheyenne at 6:39 PM 3 comments
Thursday, November 1, 2007
I survived Death By Sugar Day
Anyways, the above picture is from last weekend. One word, AMAZING. It truly was mucho funno. Erika, Missy, Briar and I roadtripped to duluth for a concert, but we also took time to hang around Duluth (a splendiful city) and have some fun.
Today is erika's Birthday!!!!!! Say Happy Birthday to her! (
Yes. I have to go figure out my day now.
Posted by Cheyenne at 7:56 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Surprises, good and bad
This week has been surprising, but I'll back up a little bit for you since I haven't blogged in awhile.
Last week there was not much to report. I was sick all week long. Which was horrible. I was too sick to go to my babysitting job but that ended up working out. the kids I babysit were also sick with a different bug and Debbie (the Mom) actually called me to cancel the week right before I was about to call her and cancel. so, it all worked out quite nicely. As nicely as being sick goes, I suppose. I am incredibly happy to be better though. I hope I never have to go through it again this year.
I was feeling better Saturday and went to a Girl's-night-out Party with some of my basic girls.
I went to Church the next morning in Chetek with Naomi, Kayla and Jeanie. It was cool to be able to see another church's service. It amazed me. I actually got a lot out of it.
And... Guess what I found out this week??? I never thought I'd see the day when that little girl who was my bff back in the day would tell me she's engaged! I'm still trying to get my mind around it. Not that I wasn't expecting it eventually, but it was still quite the surprise for me. I'm so excited!!! Man, Why do we have to grow up and get lives?
Yesterday we got rid of 3 of the 5 kittens (one still here is "taken" by a friend). the house seems so different now. Something is missing! Then this morning Elmo- the little special needs runt- died. I am SO sad. I hate kittens...
Anyways, today I have to babysit and then I'm of to the Soul Garage.
Posted by Cheyenne at 9:13 AM 0 comments
Monday, September 10, 2007
Karen- aka, my Mom. haha- (check out her blog: ) tagged me, so I must keep this going. Else risk being cursed for life.
The Rules: So this is how it works. I must post the rules, 7 random things about me and then tag others to do the same. Sound fair enough, right? These are the rules…. each player starts with 7 random facts about themselves on their Blog. People who are tagged need to blog 7 facts about themselves and post the rules as well. At the end of their blog list 7 people you are tagging. Let them know that they are tagged by leaving them a comment.
1. I cut my hair myself this morning.
2. I have always wanted to live in a tree house. You know, with ajoining bridges and sweet things like that.
3. I hate the sound and feel of a chalkboard. I'll use the sidewalk anyday.
4. "I like getting all painted, glued up and inked... It makes me feel so hands on!" This is true. Must be in the family.
5. I'm horrible at things like badminton and basketball. I can't dribble to save my life.
6. I believe in the lochness monster, someday I'll go to scotland.
7. It irks me when people talk too much during movies, or ask too many questions... *cough* mom.
And now I will tag:
Posted by Cheyenne at 10:11 AM 1 comments
Thursday, August 30, 2007
August Pizza
So, it's been nearly a month or so since I last let anybody know about my life via blogging. So, I'll put it in a chart. Here is a list of some of the pro's and con's of my past month.
- I had a birthday
- My Mom had a birthday
- We "adopted" a cat
- That cat had kittens
- I went camping in LT!
- I went to a conference
- I got to see some of my camp family
- My sister called me on the phone to ask me what a zucchini was (how does she not know that? lol)
- I became a health freak
- Because of that my allergies have mostly gone away
- My asthma is better too
- Cooking is suddenly fun. Erika's fault partially!
- I got a new bike, and it's pretty sweet. :P
- I sat down and wrote something. And it feels great.
- God showed me things.
- I got tanner
- I learned a lot.
- I went to Valley fair
- I got to hold a gun on CJ
- I went to yg
- I found out someone I dearly love has cancer
- I found out my G'pa has a brain tumor
- I had a birthday
- My Mom had a birthday and I had no clue what to get her
- A kitten died in my arms today
- I cried
- I attended a funeral
- The camping trip was too short
- The conference was cut short due to an unexpected trip to the ER
- I became a health freak. Darn it!
- I saw a dead cat and it's eye's rolling on the pavement
- I miss my friends
- My old loyal bike died
- God showed me things.
- I need divine intervention to tell me what I should be doing.
- I got sunburn along with the tan.
- I learned a lot. I would've been happier not knowing some of it though. Like suntan lotion really gives you skin cancer not the sun.
- I was persecuted by my friends for stating the above statement. And also refusing little debbie products. lol.
- I got pushed into the pool at yg with my clothes on. Come on guys! Wet jeans are more uncomfortable than you think.
I suppose you get a general idea of what I've been up to now. Either that or you are just royally confused. Either way, sleep happy tonight. :)
"Smiles can happen when there's rain on your face.
Sorrow may come on beautiful days."
Posted by Cheyenne at 10:05 AM 1 comments
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Okay, I just quick had to blog this before I forgot. My Dad is hooking up the speakers, so we have been playing WOW music videos. So, Stellar Kart's song "life is good" comes on, and I finally realized what Jed was singing. The words to the song say "life is good. Eternal life is better." Jed thought they said "Life is good. A turtle's life is better." LOL... Oh, my gosh. I couldn't stop laughing. He has a knack for that, I guess. I remember when I first played J-train, by Toby Mac. Instead of "I got a ticket" Jed thought it said "I got a chicken". Sometimes I don't correct him just cause it's too stinkin cute. Anyways, Just thought I would share that. lol. Anyways, yes. Life is indeed good. But personally I wouldn't trade it for a turtles. Unless it was a teenage mutant ninja turtle. I might heavily consider a swap then. :P So, I drove into town to pick up pizza last night. I'm pretty happy about that. I got my temps friday the 13th. Yes, I know I'm old enough to have my actual license by now. But right now I am just happy to get that over with. Still have driver's edu. for two more weeks or so. It's... okay. I'm the only girl in the class too. Honestly! What does knowing how to become an organ donor have to do with my driving skills??? That was a a question I got wrong on my test. I don't think it should have been on the test. Especially since we didn't cover that topic in class. Oh well. Anywho... I'm going to eat ice cream tonight, because today is national Ice Cream Day. You should too. If you're on a diet, try frozen yogurt. It's pretty good too. okay... This is beginning to become a rambling blog. I miss my friends from back home. Gosh. I got a new camera. My sister dropped my other one and broke it. I think this is the 5th camera in one year. Oh, boy. I have mixed feelings about this one. I'll have to decide within the next 20 days if I am in love with it or not. hmm.... Pray for me. ;) I was soo excited, some friends of mine from onalaska stopped by mt house last night! I love them! Okay, have a lovely National Ice Cream Day!
Posted by Cheyenne at 4:38 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 25, 2007
Oh... the joy of summertime!
I am so excited that summer is here! I cannot believe it's nearly the end of June already. Boy. Well, I haven't been up keeping the blog too much. The last two weeks I was at a local camp (Arrowhead Bible Camp), which was completely amazing altogether. Good stuff. It was incredible how much I learned there and the family we all formed. I miss all of my fellow disciples so much! Praying & learning together creates a unique bond. I can't wait for our reunions now. :) Also, while there I accomplished two specific things on my to do list for this summer.
- I got to go tubing down the Apple River -I wanted to do that so bad this summer. I was ecstatic when I found out the BASIC group was going. I also found out that I have issues staying on my tube.
We should do something crazy this summer. Maybe we could start a gang... or convert one... (sorry, only a few people will probably get that). Pretty soon I will be stuck in Drivers Ed. It's about time, you say? Yeah, I know. :) Then I will need to get a job. Save up some money for a car, or college. Or I could take Cody's advice and skip college, who needs school? I'm seriously considering that though, depending on what I want to do with my life. I don't know. Right now I'm not worried at all about that, which surprises me a little. But really, why spend so much time chasing after the unknown will of God when I can now be learning as much as I can about the already revealed will of God? Think about it. :P Maybe in the process I will find something. Whatever. It's all good. What are you doing this summer? You should call me. Or I should call you. I'm not the best at initiating phone conversations, sometimes I mumble. It's harder to do that on a keyboard... unless you don't have any fingers that is. If I had no fingers, I would buy a nice cell phone plan. Maybe get a cell phone like CJ's where you can just say the name of the person you want to call and it dials. I'm sure that would be much easier, unless of course I mumbled with my mouth too. Then I would just get a web cam or something to that effect. I don't know... what do you think? Alright, it's late. I'm beginning to ramble on uselessly now. Yeah, if you get bored, give me a call and I can tell you stories from camp, blood and all. :P
I'm having a garage sale next weekend. I have so much junk, it makes me sad. I need to clean out my scarves tomorrow. 70 is just too much for one person.
Anyways, I love you all. Have an amazing summer.
Keep on, Chey.
Posted by Cheyenne at 8:58 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Quite the eventful evening...
Yesterday was one crazy evening! Which usually wouldn't be a suprise, except that this involved 911. The little kids were playing in the back yard, Gabby was batting and Jed got a little too close (not that her batting is safe under any circumstances).
It scared me so bad, looking in the back yard and seeing Wyn holding Jed with blood everywhere. She had his blood all over her shirt and down her arms, and his whole face and shirt was covered. Normally blood doesn't bother me that much, but when it's that much and from the head, it freaks me out. So, obviously 911 was called and the ambulance came had to put a neck brace on him and get him on a stretcher. My Mom said she was so scared that she was losing him when he almost lost conciousness. Here's what I think is crazy, he comes home not even an hour later with a band-aid! After all of that, he gets to the hospital and the doctors say his head is half healed already. How does that work? Of course they still had to test him and make sure there was no damage, but he walks out just fine. Showing off his neck brace he got to keep as a sovunier. That boy amazes me. He is such a miracle kid, if you want to talk medically, he should have been dead 5 times and he's only 5. But evertime he gets better. A lot of people were praying for him, I know. man, he scares me so bad. Mom has banned baseball from our house from now on. I'm sure he'll just find another way to scare us though. Anyways, that was my evening.
Random quote from him today...
"some people are black, some people are white... and some people are green. Like Yoda!"
Posted by Cheyenne at 7:28 AM 1 comments
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Friday, April 6, 2007
Happy Tees
So, today I decided that my generation is obsessed with skulls and everything labeled "emo", and I needed to do something to lighten the mood. See, skulls are a little too scary for me to be adding to my wardrobe, so I decided to start making my own kind of t-shirts and things called Happy Skulls! I set up an online store today if you'd like to see some of the shirts I have up as of yet.
I'm pretty excited about this, it's been fun!
Posted by Cheyenne at 7:27 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
I want to wear flip-flops...
Exactly. Just when I thought spring was really here, and summer not far off, it had to go and snow again! This saddens me deeply. I was going to build a snow man holding a picket sign declaring "NO MORE SNOW!"... and then pour a bucket of boiling water over it. But, thankfully, there wasn't enough snow for that. Not that I don't like snow, I love it. I was incredibly excited, if not exstatic, when it finallly came to RL. But now I'm longing for spring and warm weather. So that I can wear flip-flops, and maybe even plant a flower... Good thing I haven't or the poor flower would be dead.
Posted by Cheyenne at 11:53 AM 1 comments
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Thursday, March 1, 2007
It's an average day, and nothing really sticks out.
So, like the pancake says. Have a happy day.
~ Chey.
Posted by Cheyenne at 2:35 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 18, 2007
A Sunny Sunday
Today my wake-up call was my 1 year old sister running into my room sitting on my head and jumping up and down. Not exactly my ideal wake-up call, but she is so cute you can't help but wake-up happy. Now if it were my 13 year old sister I might have had a slightly different reaction. :P We missed church today. Mom & Dad had no sleep last night. Twins.
Yesterday was Gabby's 8th birthday! We took her out to buy a bike and then out to eat at country kitchen w/ Adam and Amanda. The poor waitress. We took back my camera, Mom surprised me and upgraded it even. I think I go through cameras like my brother goes through cars.
Okay, you've reached the end of my post, go out and enjoy your sunnyday.
Keep on,
Posted by Cheyenne at 9:51 AM 1 comments
Thursday, February 1, 2007
It's February!
Why, why, why do we pronounce it FEBUARY if it is spelled FEBRUARY?? Shouldn't we say "Wow. It's already febrooary!"? If I started saying it how it was intented to be pronounced people would think I had a lisp or another speech delay of some kind. Don't you love the engish language? I feel for foriegn exchange students. Unless I'm the only one who pronounces it wrong...maybe I do have a speech problem.
Posted by Cheyenne at 10:40 AM 0 comments