Sunday, February 18, 2007

A Sunny Sunday

Today my wake-up call was my 1 year old sister running into my room sitting on my head and jumping up and down. Not exactly my ideal wake-up call, but she is so cute you can't help but wake-up happy. Now if it were my 13 year old sister I might have had a slightly different reaction. :P We missed church today. Mom & Dad had no sleep last night. Twins.
Yesterday was Gabby's 8th birthday! We took her out to buy a bike and then out to eat at country kitchen w/ Adam and Amanda. The poor waitress. We took back my camera, Mom surprised me and upgraded it even. I think I go through cameras like my brother goes through cars.
Okay, you've reached the end of my post, go out and enjoy your sunnyday.
Keep on,


Rachel said...

Nice you are posting. :-) I love to read about what your everyday life is like! Are you feeling better?