Thursday, March 1, 2007

It's an average day, and nothing really sticks out.

I'm skating on the same route.

I'm feeling fine.

I've got nothing to complain `bout.

I'm on my way.

It's just an average day.

I'm listening to that song right now by The W's.

I like that song.

It's a good song.

Anyways, that's about how my day has been going.

I'm feeling fine, but nothing crazy has been happening. It's a good way to go.

My past week has been pretty good. On Monday I went with a friend of mine to spirit mountain to go skiing. That was very fun, I hadn't gone in awhile!

Today we got dumped with more snow, which I don't mind since it makes up for the lack there of that Rice Lake has been suffering from.

So, I made this pancake the other day and it was SMILING! No joke. See for yourself. It has a perfect smily face in it... I was going to sell it on ebay, but I was kind of hungry. Oh, well.

So, like the pancake says. Have a happy day.
~ Chey.


Rachel said...

Cute and happy pancake! I hope you have a happy day too!:-)

Anonymous said...

Awww... cute!! lol, how could you eat it?! Or even sell it at that! I would've just put it in a little cage, maybe with a plastic plant in the corner and fed it syrup every day. And its name would've been Grumpy, because it wasn't... yup, that's my rambling...

So I wonder how long a comment can actually be... Maybe I should figure it out... I almost walked to your house today, just for the heck of it, but decided I didn't feel like getting all bundled up... maybe tomorrow, will you be home? There's something enertaining about plowing through the snow, maybe I could make a movie or take some awesome pics, snow makes everything so much prettier.

Ohhhh... I have to tell you this dream I had, it was scary!! And you were in it, and you were awesome (not like you aren't outside of dreams though) and you were alive which was good :S Yeah, just remind me to tell you- I was going to at youth group but forgot.

Maybe there's not a limit on how much you can write which means this will probably end up extremely long ;-) I like how at the bottom it says, Publish Your Comment, it makes me feel like an author *lifts chin* *smiles proudly* naw, I'm not pulling it off too well... You know what? We should totally make a movie, like the whole Facing the Giants thing except not sportsy and more teen directed. It would be pretty sweet!!

Oh and I was thinking The Small Group should make something for CJ and Becky for when they have their baby- I have an idea but maybe its not best I post it here if by chance one of them reads this... its original and creative and pretty much awesome- well to me, I think you might like it... maybe...

So I was thinking I should either shave my head or get an afro, what are your thoughts on this?? I don't know, I think I could pull off an afro and everyone knows bald is beautiful... Or I could reach a compromise and shave half my head bald and make the other half an afro!!

This makes me want to have a fun blogspot thing... I mean on here- I kinda have a blog and stuff on myspace and freewebs but they're really nothing exciting, but then again that might just be because of what I write ;-)

Okay then, I'm really starting to think that there's not a limit on how long this can be and I really am running out of things to say so toodledoo Chia!! wootwoot!