Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Well, I know I'm gonna be.

AHHHHHHHH!!!! I woke up to a terrible sight today. It is currently 7:30 AM and the world is white. Quite white. *sniffles* I thought Spring was here to stay... primavera come back to me! It looks like Narnia, seriously. If I weren't so upset I would make a epic video about it. Maybe I still will...
Anyways. Nicette is coming today! :D So that is exciting. The house is nearly done. I think we are all quite burnt out with house stuff. I've decided painting walls is evil. For now. The carpet guy is coming. I shuold take a shower before he gets here... hmmm. Last night I was up trying to write. I sat for an hour and I got 3 sentences out. Oh well, there were very nice little sentences. :P I was just too tired to think. Usually late at night is best for me to write because I don't really have to think about it, it just comes. But when you are toooo tired, it becomes nothing more than gibbereish on the page. Interesting. Haha.
Erika spent the night the other day (if that makes sense that she spent the NIGHT the other DAY...???W/E)and we took a bunch of fun pictures. Naturally.