Saturday, March 3, 2007

This makes me laugh

Stick person Humor

Thursday, March 1, 2007

It's an average day, and nothing really sticks out.

I'm skating on the same route.

I'm feeling fine.

I've got nothing to complain `bout.

I'm on my way.

It's just an average day.

I'm listening to that song right now by The W's.

I like that song.

It's a good song.

Anyways, that's about how my day has been going.

I'm feeling fine, but nothing crazy has been happening. It's a good way to go.

My past week has been pretty good. On Monday I went with a friend of mine to spirit mountain to go skiing. That was very fun, I hadn't gone in awhile!

Today we got dumped with more snow, which I don't mind since it makes up for the lack there of that Rice Lake has been suffering from.

So, I made this pancake the other day and it was SMILING! No joke. See for yourself. It has a perfect smily face in it... I was going to sell it on ebay, but I was kind of hungry. Oh, well.

So, like the pancake says. Have a happy day.
~ Chey.