Sunday, February 18, 2007

A Sunny Sunday

Today my wake-up call was my 1 year old sister running into my room sitting on my head and jumping up and down. Not exactly my ideal wake-up call, but she is so cute you can't help but wake-up happy. Now if it were my 13 year old sister I might have had a slightly different reaction. :P We missed church today. Mom & Dad had no sleep last night. Twins.
Yesterday was Gabby's 8th birthday! We took her out to buy a bike and then out to eat at country kitchen w/ Adam and Amanda. The poor waitress. We took back my camera, Mom surprised me and upgraded it even. I think I go through cameras like my brother goes through cars.
Okay, you've reached the end of my post, go out and enjoy your sunnyday.
Keep on,

Thursday, February 1, 2007

It's February!

Why, why, why do we pronounce it FEBUARY if it is spelled FEBRUARY?? Shouldn't we say "Wow. It's already febrooary!"? If I started saying it how it was intented to be pronounced people would think I had a lisp or another speech delay of some kind. Don't you love the engish language? I feel for foriegn exchange students. Unless I'm the only one who pronounces it wrong...maybe I do have a speech problem.