Sunday, July 15, 2007


Okay, I just quick had to blog this before I forgot. My Dad is hooking up the speakers, so we have been playing WOW music videos. So, Stellar Kart's song "life is good" comes on, and I finally realized what Jed was singing. The words to the song say "life is good. Eternal life is better." Jed thought they said "Life is good. A turtle's life is better." LOL... Oh, my gosh. I couldn't stop laughing. He has a knack for that, I guess. I remember when I first played J-train, by Toby Mac. Instead of "I got a ticket" Jed thought it said "I got a chicken". Sometimes I don't correct him just cause it's too stinkin cute. Anyways, Just thought I would share that. lol. Anyways, yes. Life is indeed good. But personally I wouldn't trade it for a turtles. Unless it was a teenage mutant ninja turtle. I might heavily consider a swap then. :P So, I drove into town to pick up pizza last night. I'm pretty happy about that. I got my temps friday the 13th. Yes, I know I'm old enough to have my actual license by now. But right now I am just happy to get that over with. Still have driver's edu. for two more weeks or so. It's... okay. I'm the only girl in the class too. Honestly! What does knowing how to become an organ donor have to do with my driving skills??? That was a a question I got wrong on my test. I don't think it should have been on the test. Especially since we didn't cover that topic in class. Oh well. Anywho... I'm going to eat ice cream tonight, because today is national Ice Cream Day. You should too. If you're on a diet, try frozen yogurt. It's pretty good too. okay... This is beginning to become a rambling blog. I miss my friends from back home. Gosh. I got a new camera. My sister dropped my other one and broke it. I think this is the 5th camera in one year. Oh, boy. I have mixed feelings about this one. I'll have to decide within the next 20 days if I am in love with it or not. hmm.... Pray for me. ;) I was soo excited, some friends of mine from onalaska stopped by mt house last night! I love them! Okay, have a lovely National Ice Cream Day!